OpenEd Offering a Selection of Five HR Courses This Fall

Posted on Thursday September 10, 2020

This fall, OpenEd is offering a selection of five courses from the Diploma in Human Resources Management program. While each course will be delivered remotely, OpenEd has the tools and technology to provide similar learning experiences as offered in face-to-face courses.

Through live videoconferencing and synchronous course delivery, students will learn in real time, providing an opportunity to engage with other classmates, interact with the instructor, and build a network of other human resources (HR) professionals.

“Our classes bring academics and the real world together as we share our stories, draw from our collective experiences, and engage the talent in the room,” says Recruitment and Selection instructor Ian McGinty. “Many of our students develop lasting networks cultivated through course collaborations, which extends to professional partnerships and lifelong friendships.”

All HR diploma courses have been approved by the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) and include a mix of lectures, case studies, small group work, and simulations to provide students with an understanding of the day-to-day realities of working in the field.

“The instructors in the program all come from the HR sector and share their real-world experiences through a hands-on approach to learning,” says 2019 diploma program graduate Sarah Bannerman. “The skills I’ve learned helped me to understand my coworkers on a deeper level and to see the larger picture—that HR is truly something that exists in each department, on every level, with every employee.”

Throughout the program, students will gain practical knowledge that can be applied to a variety of sectors.

“I have witnessed firsthand the growth of students as they develop the skills and confidence to address the challenges and opportunities of HR,” says McGinty. “I often run into former students who reflect on their experience and share how they are now making a difference as HR professionals and managers.”

The five HR courses starting next week include: Occupational Health and Safety, Recruitment and Selection, Compensation and Benefits, Labour Management Relations, and Human Resources Administration.

For more information, visit the Diploma in Human Resources Management program page.