Text image that reads: curriculum development...

  • ELP lead instructors provided training and support to the Instructor team during the height of the COVID-19 outbreak. This included training in Courselink tools, such as Virtual Classroom, Video Assignments, Quizzes, and Rubrics.
  • ELP lead instructors worked together with OpenEd’s Distance Education development team on an innovative course design model for the redevelopment the ELCP Advanced Level (9 and 10). The redesigned courses incorporated synchronous and asynchronous elements, and maximized student engagement, effective instructor feedback, and opportunities for application of new language skills.
  • Lead instructors designed and developed new course curricula for 18 ELCP courses.
  • Lead instructors identified inefficiencies and improved the overall learning experience by incorporating self-directed grammar learning. This approach motivates students to identify their learning needs, and apply their grammar knowledge in course activities or assignments
  • ELP instructors and staff worked diligently to transition from face-to-face to remote teaching, to ensure continuation in a quality learning experience

Text image that reads: student recruitment...

Agent Activity

English Language Programs (ELP) conducted 58 agent training sessions with agents in 16 regions and countries, including six collaborative training sessions with undergraduate recruitment team members.

ELP co-hosted 31 virtual recruitment activities with agents using Zoom IG live and other platforms, in 11 different regions and countries, including six collaborative sessions with undergraduate recruitment.

Countries and Regions Involved in Agent Training and Virtual Recruitment:

  • MENA (Middle East North Africa)
  • LATAM (Latin America)
  • China
  • Vietnam
  • Russia
  • Spain
  • Turkey
  • Japan
  • Ukraine
  • Mexico
  • Ecuador
  • Thailand
  • Colombia
  • Iran
  • Brazil
  • Korea

High School Presentations

In collaboration with undergraduate recruitment personnel, ELP delivered 14 face-to-face high school presentations in the GTA before pivoting to virtual format, followed by 21 virtual presentations through the spring and fall.

Panamanian Recruitment

Early in 2020, ELP staff travelled to Panama to meet with agents and government officials as part of an ongoing project to establish a language preparation program for associate diploma programs delivered by the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC). The first students in this project are expected to start English language studies in September of 2021.


Infographic with ELP training data.

Infographic with ELP recruitment data.

Integrated Admission Pathway (IAP) Expansion

In 2020, the Integrated Admission Pathway (IAP) was expanded significantly, incorporating all Bachelor of Arts majors, as well as All B.Sc. majors. Previously students could only select one program in each. This development will make IAP attractive to a much larger group of potential students.
