Clickers are the common term for Student Response Systems (SRS), a technology used to promote active learning in classrooms. iClicker is an effective tool in all teaching modalities, seamlessly allowing you to poll your students synchronously from anywhere in the world.
An advantage of iClicker is that it functions well in all modalities:
Users provide these answers through a small remote device or using a web/mobile app. The responses are collected electronically and can be displayed as part of a presentation and recorded for grading purposes. They can be used for quizzing, participation, or polling an audience.
While there are a number of products on the market, OpenEd supports and provides technical training for the iClicker system. iClicker reports and registrations can be integrated with your CourseLink (D2L/Brightspace) gradebook.
Contact the University Bookstore to place an order if you want your students to use iClicker in your course. Enough clickers for the class must be ordered in advance to avoid shortages. Please allow at least four weeks for delivery to ensure the clickers are available for students to purchase at the beginning of the semester.
Alternatively, students can subscribe to iClicker Cloud and use the Google App, Apple App, or Web App to participate without an iClicker remote. Students can be required to purchase iClicker for your class and can be used for assessment purposes. See the University's Ancillary Fee Policy for details. Please note that it's important to inform students in advance that iClicker is required for a course. You should also indicate how they will be used and if they will be included in the course evaluation.
Download the most recent version of iClicker Cloud for your computer.
Create an instructor account with iClicker Cloud. List your ‘Primary Institution’ as the University of Guelph. If you have an instructor remote (usually a blue Clicker remote), enter that Remote ID in your profile; this will allow you to control your iClicker polling software and your presentation slides from this remote.
The University Bookstore sells new clickers for $58.25. Used clickers can also be purchased from the bookstore (subject to availability).
Please note that all prices are subject to change.
Classroom Technical Support (CTS) demonstrates and rents out this equipment for non-classroom use.
Please visit Classroom Technical Support's Miscellaneous section on the AV Checkout Equipment page for details.
iClicker can be problematic for some students with disabilities.
For more information, visit the Student Accessibility Services website for a list of simple solutions.