Teaching & Learning Tools

Decorative icon.

Educational technologies play an important role in facilitating high quality and engaging learning opportunities for students. At the University of Guelph, instructors can take advantage of a wide variety of centrally supported technologies.

Not sure which technology to use or looking to extend your use of current technology? The Instructional Technology Specialist (ITS) team can provide expertise in the assessment and implementation of teaching and learning technologies.

See our Instructor Training page for available sessions to help you become more comfortable with these tools and technologies.


Centrally Supported Technologies

Explore the various tools and technologies supported at the University of Guelph.

Blue by Explorance

Blue is the University’s platform for Student Feedback Questionnaires.

For more information, visit the Blue by Explorance – OpenEd Support and Documentation.

Classroom Technologies

Classroom spaces at the University of Guelph are outfitted with technology to support the delivery of lectures.

To find out what technology your classroom has, visit the Classroom Profiles website. For more information and support, please contact Classroom Technical Support (CTS).


CourseLink is the University’s learning management system (LMS), powered by Brightspace by D2L. This comprehensive platform allows instructors to share course content, deliver assessments, and provide grades and feedback all in one place.

Popular Tools Available in CourseLink


  • Allows instructors to communicate with their students via messages posted to their course site’s homepage.


  • Allows instructors to post and organize course content so the course syllabus, lecture notes, important dates, and information about course expectations are clearly displayed and easily accessible to students.


  • Assists instructors in facilitating structured asynchronous communications for their students. Instructor-created discussion topics can be open to the entire class or restricted to smaller groups when used in conjunction with the Groups tool. Student discussion posts can also be assessed by the instructor in conjunction with Grades and Rubrics tools.


  • Allows students to upload and submit their assignments. Instructors and TAs can evaluate individual or group submissions while providing grades and feedback, with the option to leverage the Rubrics tool to improve grading efficiency and consistency. Dropbox folders can be enabled with Turnitin integration to allow instructors to assess student originality.


  • Allows instructors and TAs to create digital rubrics that can be linked with Dropbox folders, Discussion topics, or applied directly to grade items and used to provide consistent, fulsome feedback while making the grading process more efficient. Once rubrics are created, they can also be copied within a course site or to other course sites and modified as necessary for similar assignments.


  • Allows instructors to create grade items and categories to capture and organize various course grades to share with their students. Grades can be populated manually or be set to link with and capture grades from other tools such as Dropbox, Discussions, and Quizzes. In most cases, final grades for students are automatically calculated but Grades does allow for adjustments by the instructor prior to export via the Final Grades Download Tool.


  • Allows instructors to create group categories and corresponding groups using a variety of criteria (e.g., Groups of #, # of Groups, Self Enrollment). Instructor-created groups can be associated with other tools like Discussions to restrict access to a topic to a specific group and Dropbox for group submission and assessment.


  • Allows instructors to assess their students’ knowledge and understanding using a variety of question types (e.g., multiple choice, written response, etc.). Quizzes can also work with the Respondus LockDown Browser integration to prevent students from visiting other sites and applications and with Respondus Monitor to provide proctoring for online assessments. Please note, Respondus Monitor can only be used in a subset of courses per the Respondus Monitor Guidelines.

Video Assignments

  • Video Assignments is a CourseLink integration developed by Bongo. It allows instructors to design and deliver assessments requiring video.

For more information, including a full list of CourseLink tools, visit CourseLink LMS Tools – OpenEd Support and Documentation


Gradescope is an assessment tool that helps instructors administer and grade their quizzes and assignments, whether they are delivered online or in-class as a traditional paper assignment. Gradescope’s integration with CourseLink allows for easy syncing of course rosters and grades.

Please note that Gradescope’s Bubble Sheet assignment type replaced Scantron at U of G and is now the supported and recommended option for large scale on-paper multiple choice assessment.

For more information and support, visit Gradescope – OpenEd Support and Documentation.

iClicker Cloud

iClicker Cloud is a student response system (SRS) that allows instructors to immediately check in with students through a variety of formative or summative activities (e.g., live polling or quizzing). iClicker can integrate with CourseLink for easy syncing of course rosters and grades.

Please note that while there is no cost to the instructor to leverage iClicker to collect responses, there will be a cost to the participating students for an iClicker Cloud subscription.

For more information and support, visit iClicker – OpenEd Support and Documentation.

Microsoft 365 Apps

The Microsoft 365 (M365) suite provides a variety of applications that can support collaboration and communication for teaching and learning, including Microsoft Teams. You can harness the full potential of M365 apps for teaching and learning by creating a Classlist-linked Microsoft Security Group allowing you to securely share course resources with students and TAs enrolled in your course for the duration of the course.

Please note that all users (faculty, staff, and students) may not have access to every tool in the Microsoft 365 suite. Contact CCS to determine what access you and your students have.

For support, Microsoft provides a series of quick start guides for most Microsoft 365 apps.

OpenEd Toolbox

The OpenEd Toolbox is a custom-built application providing a suite of tools that can extend CourseLink functionality, including group creation/modification and quiz printing.

For more information, visit OpenEd Toolbox – OpenEd Support and Documentation.


The Peer Evaluation, Assessment and Review (PEAR) tool is an online peer review application developed by OpenEd. This tool assists instructors in facilitating the peer review and group assessment processes.

For more information and support, please reach out to CourseLink Support.


Qualtrics is a powerful online survey tool that can be used by instructors and students to collect data and feedback.

For more information and support, visit the library’s Data Collection & Surveys page.


The Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor are a suite of integrations that secures the online testing environment within CourseLink. Respondus LockDown Browser prevents students from visiting other sites and applications and Respondus Monitor provides proctoring for online assessments.

Please note, Respondus Monitor can only be used in a subset of courses per the Respondus Monitor Guidelines.

Additional Respondus Information and Support 
Respondus Quick Links
Respondus LockDown Browser and Live Remote Invigilation via Zoom or Teams

One alternative to using Respondus Monitor to perform invigilation of exams and quizzes is to use a web conferencing tool like Zoom or Teams to monitor students during a remote test. These tools can be used independently or in conjunction with Respondus LockDown Browser.

For more information, please consult the following resources from our Tips for Live Remote Invigilation with Zoom or Teams page:

Respondus LockDown Brower and Monitor Quick Guide for Instructors

What is Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor?

Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor is a tool to support the invigilation requirements of final exams that are delivered via the Quizzes tool in CourseLink. Through Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor, students use their own computer and webcam to record exam sessions, all without leaving the CourseLink learning environment. The software locks the browser, captures video during the student’s exam, and then allows the course instructor to review the video when the exam is finished. The goals of using the software during the final exam are to ensure student identity and academic integrity.

Final exams are two (2) hours in length and are scheduled by the Registrar’s Office during the final exam period. There will be a one-hour entry window during which students can enter the exam. Students can enter the exam at any point during this window of time but will only have two hours to complete it from when they start writing.

Like a sit-down exam, where they must arrive prior to the start of the exam, it is highly recommended that students enter the online exam environment in Respondus at least 20-30 minutes before the end of the available window. This allows enough time for them to complete the Respondus Startup Sequence (details are given below) and ensure that they have the full two hours for the exam.

How does Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor work?

During the exam, a browser lockdown mechanism prevents students from accessing web browsers or other applications on their computer, and the camera records the student. Upon completion of the exam, the Respondus system produces a video recording of each student and flags certain videos which may contain student behaviour that could indicate academic misconduct. You are strongly advised to review all video recordings, but particularly those that have been flagged.

Before the exam, students must download and install the LockDown Browser software on their computers. When students enter the exam, the system accesses the student’s computer and its camera. Students will be prompted to complete the Respondus Startup Sequence for the webcam, which is why they have been given the one-hour window of access.

  • Run the Webcam Check and, if necessary, resolve any issues. The Webcam Check will confirm that the student’s webcam and microphone are working properly.
  • Take Your Photo and Show Your Identification. During these two steps, the student confirms his or her identity by both (a) taking a picture of themselves with their webcam, and (b) holding up a student ID card to the camera. If a student does not have a student ID card, they are advised to use other photo identification, such as a driver’s licence.
  • Conduct the Environment Check. Students must use either a mirror, cell phone with a front-facing camera, or an external webcam to complete this check. This step ensures the area around the student’s computer is clear of papers, books, phones, etc. They will be asked to slowly tilt/pan their webcam, so a video can be made of the area around their computer. If the student is using a laptop with a built-in camera, they must use a mirror to show the edges of their computer monitor. Students must ensure that they have recorded all 360 degrees of their environment. This includes the areas beside, behind, under, and above the computer. You are advised to pay particular attention to exam videos in which the Environment Check was not completed fully or properly.

Should I indicate my course is using Respondus Lockdown Browser/Monitor in my outline?

It is strongly recommended that the following information be added to a course outline if Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor will be used in the course:

  • This course requires the use of Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor (webcam) for proctoring within CourseLink. You must download and install LockDown Browser and Monitor to complete the practice test (if provided) and course exam(s). The purpose of the practice test is to ensure that Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor is set up properly and that you are comfortable using the software.
  • Respondus LockDown Browser is a locked browser connected to the Quizzes tool in CourseLink. It prevents you from printing and copying, using other operating software, using search engines (e.g., going to another URL), communicating via instant messaging, and it blocks non-web-related software (e.g., Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word).
  • Respondus Monitor is a companion application for LockDown Browser that uses webcam and video technology to ensure academic integrity during online exams. The software captures video during the exam and allows the instructor to review the video once the exam is completed.
  • In order to use Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor, you must meet the technical requirements. Visit the Remote Learning website for guidance on preparing your online exam environment.
  • If you have any concerns about meeting system requirements, contact CourseLink Support. They will work with you to find alternative solutions or make alternative arrangements.

Practice Test

It is highly recommended that students take the Practice Test using Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor before taking the course exam. The purpose of the practice test is to ensure that Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor is set up properly, and that students are comfortable using the software. The content of the practice test is not related to the course.

By taking the practice test, students are given an opportunity to identify and troubleshoot any technical issues before writing the actual exam. It is also recommended that they complete the test using the computer that they will use for the final exam to avoid any technical and connectivity issues that might arise.

While there is no mark given for completing the practice test, this activity ensures they have a problem-free experience with the software before taking the final exam.

It is recommended that you remind students to take the practice test as many times as they need to feel comfortable with the Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor prior to the final exam. 

Reviewing Respondus Monitor Videos After the Final Exam

As the Respondus system captures the entire length of a student’s exam, viewing all videos in their entirety is not recommended; however, we recommend reviewing all environmental scans to discern whether there might be concerns about academic integrity in a student’s exam setting. We strongly recommend reviewing all flagged videos to ensure academic integrity. In addition to flagged videos, we advise reviewing approximately 5-10% of the class videos, selected at random. Additionally, it is recommended to view the length of time taken by each student during the exam and view any videos of sessions that are unusually short or long.

While viewing videos, ensure the following:

  • The photo identification of the student is visible and properly identifies the student.
  • No unauthorized individuals, communication or recording devices, or testing aids are present during the exam.

To review student videos:

Go to your CourseLink site and navigate to the Quizzes tool. Select LockDown Browser

instructional screen capture 

You’ll be taken to an About LockDown Browser screen. If you wish to review any of the information about how the software works, please do so. When ready, click the orange Continue to LockDown Browser button below the video.

instructional screen capture


You will then be in your Respondus LockDown Browser Dashboard. To review the Final Exam, click the dropdown arrow beside it and select Class Results.

instructional screen capture

Videos are available for review from this Class Results dashboard. Videos are listed for review based on how many flags there are in the video (i.e., moments of unexpected behaviour). To view the details of a student’s session and to watch the flagged videos, click the + button beside a student’s surname. Details of the startup sequence and the exam session are shown in thumbnails. Click a thumbnail to view the video from the time indicated. You can mark videos as reviewed and can add comments as well.

Note: You will NOT be able to view the videos live. It can take up to 24 hours before the videos are available to review.

Suspected Misconduct

If you suspect misconduct based upon the Respondus Monitor videos, please contact the department chair for your program to discuss the circumstance before discussing the incident with the student. For many students, this may be the first time that they have taken a proctored online exam and they would benefit from learning how to better prepare and manage their time and test taking environment during the final exam.

Technical Issues

If you or your students have any questions regarding the use of Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor or if you encounter any technical issues during the practice test or final exam, please email CourseLink Support or phone them at 519-824-4120 ext. 56939 or 1-866-275-1478 (US/CAN).

Students should be instructed to write down the contact information for CourseLink Support BEFORE they start any exam using CourseLink's Quizzes tool. If the quiz is using LockDown Browser and students experience technical difficulty, they will not be able to access the support website. Having the contact information at hand will expedite access to support in the event of technical difficulties.

It is strongly recommended that students call for assistance with any issue that is preventing them from completing their quiz, rather than emailing (provided the quiz is delivered during CourseLink Support’s hours of operation).

More student information on preparing for/completing a quiz using Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor is available on our Taking a Practice Quiz or Exam with Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor page. We encourage instructors using LockDown Browser and Monitor to post a link to this information on their course sites for students via Content or Announcements.


Educause. (2016). 7 things you should know about remote proctoring. Retrieved from https://library.educause.edu/~/media/files/library/2016/5/eli7133.pdf

Respondus. (2017). LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor. Retrieved from https://www.respondus.com/downloads/RLDB-Quick-Start-Guide-Brightspace-Instructor.pdf

Respondus LockDown Browser for Online Exams 

What is the Respondus LockDown Browser?

LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment in the learning management system (CourseLink). When a CourseLink quiz is set up to use the LockDown Browser and Monitor, a student is prevented from performing any other action on their computer while they complete their exam.

Enable Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor

1. From the Quizzes tool dashboard, select LockDown Browser.

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2. All your quizzes for the course will be listed here. Select the dropdown next to the assessment for which you want to enable LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor and select Settings.

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3. From the LockDown Browser Settings, select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam.

4. You may wish to enable the on-screen calculator, if your exam requires one.

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5. If you want to require the Respondus Monitor on your exam, select Require Respondus Monitor for this exam.

Note: The Respondus Monitor tool is dependent on having the LockDown Browser enabled.

6. You may wish to review and modify the default Environment Check options.

Note: The environment check notifies students prior to starting their Respondus enabled quiz to show the camera their location to ensure academic integrity. You may want to specify additional requirements (i.e., that they are able to have blank paper, a crib sheet, or any other tools they can use during the examination). This information can be provided by editing the text within the environment check.

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7. Select Save + Close to save your settings and return to the Quizzes dashboard. Your quiz title will be amended to indicate which tools are required to attempt it.

Note: We recommend that you have students do a practice exam with the LockDown Browser and Monitor enabled. For more information on importing and setting up a practice exam, please see the Practice Test for Respondus LockDown Browser resource.

Before Starting an Exam

Students should be instructed to write down the contact information for CourseLink Support BEFORE they start any exam using CourseLink's Quizzes tool. If the quiz is using LockDown Browser and students experience technical difficulty, they will not be able to access the support website. Having the contact information at hand will expedite access to support in the event of technical difficulties.

It is strongly recommended that students call for assistance with any issue that is preventing them from completing their quiz, rather than emailing (provided the quiz is delivered during CourseLink Support’s hours of operation).

More student information on preparing for/completing a quiz using Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor is available on our Taking a Practice Quiz or Exam with Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor page. We encourage instructors using LockDown Browser and Monitor to post a link to this information on their course sites for students via Content or Announcements.

Taking a Practice Quiz or Exam with Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor


Before taking both the practice test and online final exam, complete the following steps:

  1. As a student, you should write down the contact information for CourseLink Support BEFORE you begin a quiz attempt. If the quiz is using Respondus LockDown Browser and you experience technical difficulty, you will not be able to access the support website. If the quiz is using both LockDown Browser and Monitor, please present the support contact information you have written down as part of your Environment Check. If the quiz is being delivered during CourseLink Support’s hours of operation, it is strongly recommended that you call for assistance with any issue that is preventing you from completing your quiz rather than emailing.
  2. Close all programs, unless one is used to connect you to the Internet.
  3. Start LockDown Browser.
  4. Log into CourseLink, select your course, and navigate to the practice test/final exam by selecting Quizzes from the Tools dropdown menu.
  5. If prompted, either close a blocked program (e.g., screen capture, instant messaging) by choosing Yes. Or, close LockDown Browser and close the blocked program before restarting.

Once you select the practice test/final exam link, you will be prompted to complete the Startup Sequence for the webcam that occurs before the test begins:

  1. Run the Webcam Check and, if necessary, resolve any issues. The Webcam Check will confirm that your webcam and microphone are working properly. The first time the Webcam Check is performed on a computer, Adobe Flash Player will require you to select Allow and Remember.
  2. Take Your Photo. Look into the camera and position your face so it fills most of the picture window. Select 'Take Picture'.
  3. Show Your Identification. Hold your student ID card to the camera and select 'Take Picture'. If you do not have a student identification card, use other photo identification such as a driver’s licence.
  4. Conduct the Environment Check. A mirror or cell phone with a front-facing camera is required to complete this check if you do not have an external webcam. Make sure the area around your computer is clear of papers, books, phones, etc. Select 'Start Recording' and slowly tilt/pan your webcam so a video can be made of the area around your computer. If using a mirror, hold the reflective side facing your computer up to your webcam (an arm’s length away) and slowly show the edges of your computer monitor to your webcam. If using a cell phone with front-facing camera, hold the screen side facing your computer up to your webcam (an arm’s length away) and use it to show the edges of your computer monitor. Ensure that you have recorded all 360 degrees of your environment. This includes the areas beside, behind, under and above your computer. Select 'Stop Recording' when finished. Once the environment check is complete, be sure to put your cell phone away from your exam area (i.e. in your pocket or in a drawer). Incomplete Environment Checks may be flagged for review by the instructor. For an example of an effective Environment Check, view Environment Check Tutorial

Additional Instructions

  • During the exam, do not access other resources (a phone, tablet, notes, books, etc.) or communicate with other people.
  • Please stay in your seat and focus on the computer screen until the exam is complete. If an interruption occurs, briefly explain what happened by speaking directly to your webcam.
  • In the event that you need a bathroom break during the exam, indicate in the recording the reason for leaving the room. Please note that you will not be given additional testing time and your video will be flagged for review by the instructor. You are not permitted to take any materials with you to the bathroom or access any resources (textbooks, notes, internet, people, etc.) during this time.
  • If you encounter a problem during the Startup Sequence, select the ‘It’s not working’ link for troubleshooting tips.
  • The practice test/final exam will begin after the Startup Sequence is complete. Note that once the test/final exam has been started with Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor, you cannot exit until the Submit button is


If you encounter technical difficulties downloading or installing, or any other problems taking the practice test/final exam with Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor (e.g., your computer freezes during the test or the software fails to work, etc.), email CourseLink Support or phone 519- 824-4120 ext. 56939 or 1-866-275-1478 (toll-free in Canada and US).


Slido is an online audience engagement platform offered as part of University of Guelph’s Webex licence. Slido can integrate with PowerPoint (Windows OS only) and Google slides, providing a more streamlined delivery of interactive components to students during class, such as polls, quizzes, and word clouds.

To access Slido, choose Log In > Log in with Webex and enter your University of Guelph credentials. For more information and support, visit the Slido Community & Help Center.

Please note you do not need to deliver your class over Webex to leverage Slido.


SYL is the University’s new course outline builder. SYL replaces Course Outline Manager as the supported option for creating consistent and accessible course outlines as of Summer 2024.

For more information and support, visit the SYL SharePoint site.


Zoom is a web conferencing tool available for teaching and learning that can be integrated directly with CourseLink. To leverage Zoom for teaching and learning as well as the CourseLink-Zoom integration, instructors should request a Zoom Pro licence from OpenEd.

For more information on enabling Zoom in your CourseLink site, visit Zoom – CourseLink Support & Documentation. For additional support resources, visit Web Conferencing (Zoom) – OpenEd Support and Documentation or Zoom Support.