Academic Integrity

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Academic integrity is a commitment to, and the demonstration of, honest and responsible scholarship. In a remote setting, integrity is essential for learning and personal growth. 



Additional Resources

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Use Cases
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  • Citing: Sources need to be cited when someone else’s words or ideas are used in any manner of academic work.

  • Using a Citation Generator: Since citation generators rely on the input of the user, it is essential to double check both your input and the citation for accuracy. It is essential to use your own judgement; the generator should be a guide and not a definitive source. 

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Regarding copyright policies/procedures, it is important to comply with the Canadian copyright law as well as the international copyright conventions; furthermore, any copying or transferring of materials by University faculty, staff or students is subject to limits and/or restrictions. Failure to comply will result in penalties and/or consequences

Additional Resources 

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Use Cases
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  • Understanding Copyright Policies: It is crucial that all copyright resources at the University of Guelph follow the guidelines to ensure proper citations.
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