
decorative image.

When lecturing remotely, you have two main options for delivering your content—synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous lectures happen in real time, with students and instructors meeting online and interacting in real time. Asynchronous lectures can be accessed by students without real-time interaction with instructors, as the content is captured in advance and released as needed. It is also possible to blend both these methods into a hybrid model, but each approach will have some distinctly different features. 


Features of Synchronous and Asynchronous Lectures 

Features Synchronous Asynchronous
Minimal Preparation Required yes. no.
Immediate Feedback Available yes. no.
Pause for Questions/Clarifications yes. no.
Sense of Community yes. somewhat.
Collaboration and Interactivity yes. somewhat.
Reflective Feedback no. yes.
Flexibility and Convenience no. yes.
Self-Directed Pace no. yes.
Reusable no. yes.

Table Key: yes. = yes,  somewhat. = somewhat,  no. = no 

Regardless of the method you choose, you are likely to consider some common items to prepare for your remote lecturing, such as including audio and video elements, creating and organizing your content, and how to best engage with your students using your selected format.

Additional Resources 

Resources icon.

Taking Your Lectures Online 

For many instructors, the creation of video lectures will feel natural, and in some cases simply recording the same lecture material may be a good choice. The University does have several options that will allow you to capture your lectures in either synchronous or asynchronous formats. 

Options for Capturing Lectures

Features Virtual Classroom Zoom Pro Zoom Webinars WebEx Events Microsoft Teams
Max Live Participants 150 300+* 500/1000* 1000 250
Capture/Record Lectures yes. yes. yes. yes. yes.
Share a Presentation yes. yes. yes. yes. yes.
Annotate Presentation yes. yes. yes. no. no.
Share/Stream Video Content yes. yes. yes. yes. yes.
Whiteboard yes. yes. yes. no. yes.
Public Chat yes. yes. yes. yes. yes.
Breakout Room 6 50 no. 0 50
Invite External Participants yes. yes. yes. yes. yes.
CourseLink Integration yes. yes. no. no. no.
Supported by OpenEd OpenEd OpenEd CCS CCS

Table Key: yes. = yes,  no. = no

*For an additional cost, add-ons are available for 500 and 1000 participants.

Although capturing yourself lecturing does humanize your course while teaching remotely, it's not the only option. There are several off-camera methods that can be used to capture your content.  

  • Use point-of-view videos to demonstrate anything from solving equations to lab techniques.
  • Record a compelling narrative by layering it with stock audio and video.
  • Add voice-over to PowerPoint using some of the more advanced transitions to create a dynamic presentation.
  • Use screen recording to capture your workflow in an application or an interactive online tool. 

Regardless of which method you choose, the most effective content will always be about the storytelling. This isn’t very different than preparing for your in-class lecture where you research, outline, script and then create the content.

Additional Resources

Studio in a Box 

With teaching remotely being the new reality, the majority of instructors will need to be able and create and capture their lecture content from home; but what’s required to do this? The following resources will provide some options for simple and sustainable videos, options to make your video more impactful, and for the truly adventurous, options that go above and beyond. 

Additional Resources

Resources icon.

Hosting Video Content 

Once you’ve prepared your video contentyou will need decide on how to to store and share this content. There are several options to choose from, but the following are recommended for instructors at the universityCourseLink is intentionally not listed and is not recommended to host video files, unless they have been recorded natively within the site using the Video Note 
The following is a quick summary of each option's key features. The resources found below outline more detailed features of each tool and should help you decide which tool best fits your needs.

Features Microsoft Stream Microsoft OneDrive Library YouTube
Stream Video yes. yes. yes. yes.
Video Downloadable no. yes. no. somewhat.
Displays Metadata/Context yes. no. yes. yes.
Closed Captions yes. no. yes. yes.
Auto-Transcription yes. no. no. yes.
Embeddable in Content yes. yes. yes. yes.
Commenting yes. yes. no. yes.
Public Discovery and Access no.


no. somewhat.
Institutional Discovery and Access yes. yes. yes. no.
Share by URL somewhat. yes. yes. yes.
Restrict by SSO yes. yes. yes. no.
Supported by CCS CCS U of G Library YouTube

Table Key: yes. = yes,  somewhat. = somewhat,  no. = no

Additional Resources

Tools icon.
Use Cases
Use Cases icon.
  • Within the Course Creation tool you can create a Classlist Linked Microsoft Security Group for each of your CourseLink courses. These security groups can be used to limit access and permissions to your O365 resources, such as Stream and OneDrive, to the members of your class list. These security groups are also synchronized with your class list nightly throughout the semester.
Resources icon.