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Although the method of course delivery has changed, the skills and behaviours required for success have not. In the absence of face-to-face lectures to help pace students, remaining organized and on track with one’s learning is essential for efficiency and success. Here are some resources to help with this. 



Note Taking 

It is essential to take notes effectively and efficiently. Note taking allows you to stay focus and helps you better understand concepts, especially in a remote setting. It is important to find your own unique note taking style that works for you to enhance your learning at the University of Guelph.

Additional Resources

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  • Find your note taking style: Every student has their own unique way of taking notesSome students prefer handwritten, others prefer typing their notes, and some enjoy both. Find a style that works for you.

  • Using Microsoft OneNote: OneNote allows you to create notes in pages organized into sections within notebooks and allows you to collect, organize, and share your materials. Integrated into O365 and designed to resemble a tabbed ring binder, this note taking app makes for an excellent way to collect and collaborate on your class notes.

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As course delivery transitions to a remote format, so do students' study habits. Since libraries and study spots are unavailable, finding an effective remote study method that works for you is an important part of your success. Make sure you have a set routine tailored to your study habits to ensure you can do your very best.  

Additional Resources

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  • Personal notes, cue cards, quizzes, flashcards, and virtual group study sessions
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  • Plan your time: For the most part, it will be up to you to choose when to complete your studies. It is easy to fall behind while completing online studies, so try to keep a calendar and plan out when you intend to spend time on schoolwork and what you’ll be working on.

  • Find a designated study spot: Having a clean and organized study spot will help to create a boundary between your relaxation area and your study area. This will help you stay focused while working remotely from home.

  • Communicate: You can utilize the discussion page on CourseLink for any questions you might have. This can allow you to converse about various topics within the course, and offers feedback and/or ideas. It is also an opportunity to open a discussion section on CourseLink for you to communicate with your peers and instructors.

  • Find a study method that works for you: Experimenting with different study methods can help develop a technique that work best for you. There are many different study methods such as self-quizzing, paraphrasing class notes, and taking practice exams 

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