Participating Remotely

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As the University of Guelph transitions to a remote online course delivery, remote participation will become a primary feature to your online class. To get the most out of your remote learning, participate regularly in online discussions and lectures to gain a better understanding of the course content and to engage with your classmates and instructors. 



Remote Lectures 

Although remote lectures are quite different compared to your traditional face-to-face lectures, the same principles apply. Remote lectures can be presented either in synchronous or asynchronous format in hopes to provide some flexibility when learning remotely.  

Additional Resources

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Use Cases
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  • Familiarize yourself: It is always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the web conferencing tools such as Virtual Classroom, Webex, Teams, or Zoom beforehand to ensure you are prepared and know how each platform works. Go ahead and explore!
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Online Discussions 

Being proactive and participating in online discussions have proven to enhance learning abilities. Reach out to the instructor and other students on the discussion board to seek out answers and/or resources. It is an excellent tool to utilize and create connections.

Additional Resources

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Use Cases
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  • Ask questions: Asking questions for clarification, especially in a remote learning environment, is essential for students. Every question is valid. Utilize the CourseLink discussions page to your advantage to communicate with your instructor and other students.
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