Start Here

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OpenEd has compiled several resources to prepare you for success in taking courses in an alternative format. We encourage you to review these resources prior to the start of the fall semester and at any point during the semester when you need additional assistance. We will continue to update these resources to support your transition.   

Check out the Start Here module below to begin familiarizing yourself with CourseLink, the University of Guelph's learning management system. 

Start Here

OpenEd's Start Here (Remote Course Delivery) module will help you with the CourseLink environment as well as introduce you to some unique attributes of online remote learning and strategies that can help you succeed in your courses.

Start Here button.



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  •  U of G News - This provides an overview of the events that are being held at the University.
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  • Sign up for STARTonTrack: STARTonTrack is a program that matches first-year students with an upper-year student. They can help you with setting goals, getting connected, accessing resources, improving problem-solving skills, and much more. 

  • Get out of your comfort zone: Explore new opportunities within the University; get involved! Seek out opportunities that allow you to grow as a student and provide you with an amazing experience. This is an excellent way to socialize and make new friends.  

  • Introduce yourself: Takthe time to introduce yourself to your instructor and classmates through email or the CourseLink Discussions page. This is a great way to get to know your peers and create a positive relationship with your instructor. 

  • Familiarize yourself with your new surroundings: Take this opportunity to get comfortable with your new online learning format. CourseLink offers many tools to ensure you are well prepared for your upcoming semester, as well as contact information for fellow students, professors, and teaching assistance.

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This year will look different than expected but getting prepared for the remote university experience will prove to have a huge benefit! Before you are overwhelmed with assignments and tests, take some time to prepare and learn about the resources available to you as incoming students. Exploring this website is a great place to start! Consider making a list of resources that could be useful to you during the year. 

Additional Resources

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Use Cases
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  • Agenda/Student Planner: This semester will be very different compared to previous semesters. Make sure you have an agenda to keep track of important due dates and events. This will reduce stress and allow you to be more prepared for your courses.
  • Do your research: Entering University for the first time can be stressful and overwhelming, but you can prepare yourself by researching the numerous resources that are in place for you! Take a look at the resources below to help get you started. 
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