Several settings are available to control the environment for your Zoom class. To access these settings, sign into your Zoom account on the Zoom website and navigate to the Settings tab found on the left side of the screen. There are a few settings below that you may choose to adjust depending upon how you are using Zoom within your course.
Please note, the settings listed below are updated by Zoom on a regular basis. The order and language may change over time.
As of January 1, 2021, all Zoom Pro accounts linked to the University of Guelph will have new default security settings in place.
For more information on these default settings and how they may impact your meetings, please visit the Default Security Settings for Zoom page.
1. Waiting Room: On
2. Waiting Room Options: For larger classes and/or those without TA support, or users who are not in your account and not part of the allowed domains, it may be beneficial to update the waiting room options to allow students to bypass the waiting room and access the class meeting from CourseLink (through the Zoom integration or link in Content). This option requires students to have a Zoom account.
Instructions to set this up are below:
3. Require a Passcode when scheduling new meetings: On
4. Require a passcode for Personal Meeting ID (PMI): On, all meetings using PMI
5. Embed passcode in invite link for one-click join: On
6. Require passcode for participants joining by phone: On
7. Only authenticated users can join meetings: On
1. Host video: On
2. Participants video: Off
3. Audio type: Telephone and Computer Audio
4. Join before host: Off
5. Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting: Off
6. Mute participants upon entry: On
1. Chat: On or Off
2. Private Chat: Off
3. Auto saving chats: Off or On
4. Sound notification when someone joins or leaves: Off or On
5. File transfer: Off
6. Co-host: On
7. Polling: On
8. Always show meeting control toolbar: Off or On
9. Show Zoom window during screen share: Off
10. Screen sharing - Who can share?: Host Only
11. Who can start sharing when someone else is sharing?: Host Only
12. Annotation: Off or On
13. Whiteboard: On or Off
14. Remote Control: Off
15. Nonverbal feedback: On or Off
16. Meeting reactions: On or Off
17. Allow removed participants to rejoin: Off
18. Allow participants to rename themselves: Off
1. Breakout rooms: On
2. Remote support: On or Off
3. Closed Captioning: On
4. Save Captions: On
5. Far end camera control: Off
6. Virtual background: On
Many recording settings can be configured in advance and will correspond to any future recordings. These settings relate to what is recorded, automatic recording, and some sharing permissions. Sharing of recordings can be configured further for each recording within the Recordings section of the Zoom website by selecting Share beside the name of the recording you wish to update.
Before configuring this section, ensure that you review and understand the University's statement on Privacy & Recording Virtual Lectures.
1. Local Recording: On
2. Cloud Recording: On
4. Automatic Recording: On or Off
5. Only authenticated users can view cloud recordings: Off/On
6. Require passcode to access shared cloud recordings: Off