Zoom for Students: Create and Use a U of G Zoom Account

Zoom is a popular web-conferencing platform at the University of Guelph and University of Guelph-Humber. To get the most out of your Zoom classes, it is strongly recommended that you register for a Zoom Basic account that is associated with your University email. You should then ensure you are signed into this account before joining classes through CourseLink.

Depending upon how the meeting is configured by the host, it's a good idea to sign into Zoom before a class for the following reasons:

  • It may be required in order to enter the meeting
  • It allows you to bypass the waiting room
  • It correctly places you into a breakout room
  • It allows you to access Cloud recordings
  • It allows for capturing student participation in meeting activities

Register for a Zoom Account

1. Go to the Zoom website. In the top right corner, click on SIGN UP, IT'S FREE.

zoom sign up button

2. Provide your date of birth and click Continue. This information is not stored.

3. Provide your University of Guelph/University Guelph-Humber email address and enter the Captcha Code. Click Sign Up.

zoom sign up form

 4. You will receive an email from Zoom to continue the registration process.

zoom confirmation notice

5. The email from Zoom will include an Activation Link which will allow you to complete the creation of your new Zoom account.

zoom activation email

 6. When asked if you are signing up on behalf of a school, select No.

 zoom sign up question

7. Provide your name and choose a password to finish creating your account.

zoom sign up welcome

Join a Class

1. Download the Zoom Client for Meetings from the Zoom Download Center.

2. Open the client and select Sign In.

Zoom Login screen

3. Enter your U of G/GH email and password associated with your Zoom account. Click Sign In.

Zoom login form

4. Periodically, check for updates to the Zoom Client for Meetings. Doing so will help ensure you have all the latest features available that may be used by your instructor. This can be done by clicking on your initials in the top right corner and selecting Check for Updates from the menu.

Zoom settings drop down menu

5. Sign into CourseLink and navigate to the course that has a scheduled Zoom class.

6. Select Content from the course navigation bar.

NOTE: Courses may be sharing Zoom information with you in one of two ways: Zoom integration, or by sharing the Zoom link in a Content module. These instructions follow the pathway for the Zoom integration.

7. Find the Zoom module located in the Table of Contents on the left side of the page.

zoom in courselink menu

8. Within the module, click on the Zoom External Learning Tool to launch the Zoom integration.

Zoom external link

9. Within the integration, you will have a list of scheduled meetings under Upcoming Meetings. To join the next class, click Join.

zoom courselink schedule

10. Depending on the settings of the meeting, you may join immediately or be placed in a waiting room.